« Forms Catalogue

Office of the Public Guardian

Form Description  
EPA101 A guide to Enduring Powers of Attorney
EP1PG Notice of intention to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP1PG(3) Notice of intention to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney (Modified for 3 Attorneys)
EP2PG Nodiadau/Notes Nodiadau canllaw ar gyfer llenwi ffurflen EP2PG: Cais i gofrestru Atwrneiaeth Barhaus - Guidance notes for completing form EP2PG: Application to register an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP2PG Application for Registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP2PG Notes Guidance notes for completing form EP2PG: Application to register an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP3PG Notice to the Office of the Public Guardian of an objection to registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney
EP5 Disclaimer by a proposed or acting attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney
LPA 005 Disclaimer by a proposed or acting attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney
LPA 006 Objection by the donor to the registration of a lasting power of attorney
LPA 007 Objection to the Office of the Public Guardian of a proposed registration of a Lasting Power of Attorney on factual grounds
LPA 008 Notice to the Office of the Public Guardian of an application to object to registration of a lasting power of attorney made to the Court of Protection
LPA109 Guidance Notes - Office of the Public Guardian Registers
LPA 120A Application for exemption or remission of EPA/LPA Application to register fees
LPA 120 EPA and LPA Fees (with effect from 1 April 2017)
LPC Continuation Sheet 1 Continuation sheet for additional people (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Continuation Sheet 2 Continuation sheet for additional information (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Continuation Sheet 4 Continuation sheet donor appointed trust corporation as an attorney or replacement attorney (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Continuation Sheet 3 Continuation sheet if the donor cannot sign or mark (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LPC Notes Guidance notes - LPC Continuation sheets (lasting power of attorney (LPA))
LP1F Lasting power of attorney - financial decisions
LP1H Lasting power of attorney - health and care decisions
LP2 Register your lasting power of attorney
LP3 Notice of intention to register a lasting power of attorney (People to notify)
LP12 Make and register your lasting power of attorney a guide
LP13 Register your lasting power of attorney a guide
OPG100 Application for a search of the Public Guardian registers
OPG102Bank Deputy report form - Bank accounts
OPG102A Filling in your deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG102 Deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG103A Filling in your deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG103 Deputy report form - Property and financial decisions
OPG104 Deputy report form - Health and welfare decisions
OPG104A Filling in your deputy report form - Health and welfare decisions
OPG105 Professional fees insert
OPG106 Public authority deputy fees insert
OPG120A Application for exemption or remission of Deputyship fees
OPG120 Get help with paying OPG deputy fees

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